We’ve developed multiple products to address highly corrosive sewer environments. BluCem ZeoGlass is an acid-resistant, structural shotcrete, designed for re-lining deteriorating sewer networks. This product is unique by using glass to replace all sand and aggregate in the binder as glass is resistant to corrosion.
BluSeal AKS is a cast-in-situ concrete protection membrane made of high-density polyethylene that is resistant to almost any chemical or mechanical trauma. This allows concrete to be protected in wastewater environments before it’s been placed.

An example of this is our Anchor Knob Sheet (BluSeal AKS) which has been a market leader in remedial concrete sewerage repair for more than a decade. BluSeal AKS is a world-class concrete protection membrane made of high-density polyethylene that is resistant to almost any chemical or mechanical trauma. Project examples include sewers, pump stations, manhole remediation, desalination plants and wastewater treatment structures.

Water and wastewater are often transported underground through networks of pipes and trenches. The stability of the ground surrounding this infrastructure should always be seamless and fixed. Therefore, ground stabilisation, plays a key role in supporting the surrounding area.
There are ways to ensure the stability of unstable ground, slopes, embankments, and even heritage listed aqueducts. We’ve developed a range of PUR Injection Grouts as well as innovative ground anchors and soil nails which have a >100-year design life, high tensile and shear strengths. At ¼ weight of steel, they are easy to secure, further reducing expenses and install times.

The greatest corrosive attack in manholes occurs due to am aggressive bacterium; Thiobacillus Concretivourus. These airborne bacteria use sulphur as a primary energy source which breaks down concrete and epoxies over time.
What has made BluSeal AKS stand out from the pack for the past 15 years is its impressive durability and resistance to chemically aggressive environments. BluSeal AKS’ durability stems from the use of highest quality HDPE resins which have been proven to have the best possible resistance to acidic attack. This makes the membrane more sulphur resistant, meaning a design life of more than 100 years.

We’ve developed a range of repair mortars and grouts which are Australian Standards approved and are frequently used by water authorities, such as SEQ Water, Sydney Water and Tas Water. These products offer a range of repair solutions to Australia’s potable water network.