Engineered construction products that have been designed to save our partner’s time, money and add value to their major civil infrastructure projects.

Bluey Technologies is a supplier of construction products for major civil engineering infrastructure works. We bring together a mix of experience, resources, systems and knowledge to create innovative solutions and add value to projects across Australia. Our range of products includes engineered, high-performance cements, waterproofing products and ground improvement solutions. In partnering with some of Australia’s leading manufacturers, we’re able to provide competitive, flexible and customised solutions for our customers, whilst committing to supporting Australian manufacturing and employment.


Values and Principals

Add value through education and product expertise

Our reputation is well established in the civil and construction industry as an educator as well as a reliable partner of products. Over two decades we’ve developed rigorous testing and training systems to ensure the professional completion of projects. Our training courses educate contractors on the correct handling, installation and testing of all of our products, ensuring they’re not only upskilled at work but that they’re also fully competent before handling products on site.

Mateship, Loyalty & Reliability

The Bluey cattle dog represents our commitment to the values of mateship, loyalty and reliability. In supporting these principles, we’ve partnered with MATES in Construction (MIC). MIC aims to eradicate suicide amongst Australian construction workers. MIC provides mental health and prevention programs, toolbox talks, as well as individual case management and a 24/7 helpline. To date, MIC has trained more than 160,000 people and has managed more than 8,000 cases. Read more here.

Local Manufacturing with a Global Reach
We’re proud to provide a range of quality products with a preference for local manufacturing. Not only is this good for the economy but it also ensures on-time delivery for our customers. Our operations now span from Australia to New Zealand, South East Asia, Europe and the UK.
Seek Innovation & Opportunity
Going against the status-quo has always been the Bluey way. We’ve worked hard with our partners over the years to create new opportunities and differentiate ourselves from the competition, by not competing with it. Whether it’s a new engineering solution or the development of a new product, we’re always drawn to doing things a little differently to add value to our customer’s projects.

Quality Assurance & Certification

Over the past two decades, we’ve continued to expand, supplying innovative products, solutions and value to the construction industry. From the beginning, we made a commitment to uphold and improve the quality of our products and services. To ensure this is consistently achieved, we embraced the most recognised quality management system certified in the world; ISO 9001: 2015.

Our continued accreditation is a testament to the commitment and culture of the entire Bluey Team. We believe that living and breathing a best practise quality system shows our partners that we meet their expectations as a quality supplier and as a trusted partner, which is something we’re very passionate about.

Health, safety and the Environment

Health, safety and the environment are core organisational values at Bluey. We are committed to eliminating occupational injuries & illnesses as well as reducing our environmental impact in all areas. This is not about saying that we are ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘green’. We’re genuinely committed to taking steps that reduce our environmental footprint, so that long after we are gone, we will only leave behind the projects that we completed.


There is n​othing more important for us than our integrity as a company and as individuals.

What we stand for

At Master Builders Solutions & Bluey Technologies ANZ, we are committed to conducting business with integrity and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This commitment is the foundation of our Code of Conduct​. We are driving our business by strictly applying compliance standards in our daily work and expecting our employees to be an ambassador of our Integrity.

We implemented a risk-oriented compliance management system (CMS) to maximise effectiveness in preventing and detecting wrongdoings. This CMS is based on the principles of prevention, detection, and response to misconduct.

To ensure our CMS is effective, we introduced the compliance channel SpeakUp in 2021, where our employees and business partners can anonymously report any misconduct. ​SpeakUp is a confidential, 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week channel operated by an independent company. The SpeakUp channel provides you with the opportunity to report an issue anonymously. Further information can be found here.

Anti-Corruption at MBS

At Master Builders Solutions & Bluey Technologies ANZ, we are strictly committed to preventing and fighting corruption​ of any kind, and we expect our business partners to act in the same way.

Our Commitment against Slavery and Human Trafficking

We are determined to stand against modern slavery and human trafficking. Please see our statement to this extent here.

What we stand for

“We are focused on the promotion and continuous improvement of our compliance program, as it is the foundation of our everyday business.”

Carsten Hennicke, Chief Compliance Officer

Global Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct summarises important laws and corporate policies that govern the behaviour of all Master Builders Solutions employees in their dealings with business partners, other employees, and society. It guides us to make the right choices and act ethically.

Find out more about our Code of Conduct (PDF)

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our relations with all business partners shall be governed by objective criteria, in particular quality, reliability, competitive prices, as well as compliance with environmental, social and corporate governance standards.

Find out more about our Supplier Code of Conduct

SpeakUp Procedure

The SpeakUp channel is used to report behaviour that is not in line with our values and our Code of Conduct.

Further information can be found here.

Integrity in our Sustainability Report

Business integrity and governance are an essential part of the Master Builders Solutions & Bluey Technologies ANZ Sustainability Report.

You can access the last version of our Sustainability Report here.

UNGC Global Compact Participant

In 2024, Master Builders Solutions & Bluey Technologies ANZ has officially become a participant of the UN Global Compact Network (UNGC). The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, calling on companies to align their strategies and operations with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

Learn more here.

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